Showing 41 Result(s)

Easy Peanut Butter Granola Bars

These chewy, preservative-free bars taste a bit like a crunchy cross between Rice Krispies Treats® and old-fashioned peanut butter cornflake cookies. If you start with a granola that is low in fat and sugar, they can serve as a protein-packed treat containing just a fraction of the fat and calories found in many store-bought granola …

Creamy, Chewy, Chocolatey Mocha Walnut Oats

If you’ve been thinking about trying steel-cut oats, this recipe may be just the inspiration you need. As noted in a previous post, this nutty, chewy whole grain is a nutritious treat. One serving (1/4 cup dry) contains only 170 calories plus 7 grams of protein and 5 grams of dietary fiber (20% Daily Value). …

Perfectly Peachy Cherry Oat Bread

One of the benefits of this blog is that I keep discovering new-to-us recipes that are true gems. The flipside is the duds, experiments my family members wish I had never tried. Matt and the children lucked out with this one, giving it a thumbs up—“way up”—from the youngsters. Boasting an entire can of peaches, …

Peanut Butter Granola Surprise

If you thought the Protein Powered Peanut Butter Granola I posted last week would be too rich for your palate, this recipe might be just what you’re looking for. It is high in protein but does not have added sugar or honey. Unlike most of the recipes I’ve tried, this scrumptious granola forms crunchy-chewy clumps for …

Hint-of-Apple Raisin Oat Bread

If you have children and a bread machine, this nutritious and easy-to-make breakfast or snack bread may become a household favorite. It rises well and looks fabulous, especially to those who don’t like the appearance of denser, darker whole-grain loaves. Its firm but light texture and raisin-studded slices are reminiscent of the Pepperidge Farm bread …

Cherry Walnut Bread

Before our youngest son began eating solid foods, this was our go-to morning meal. We revved up the bread machine to bake a loaf at least twice a week. And then came Timmy. If it’s a baked good, he’ll try it. If it contains walnut pieces, it will come back out. We tried a few …

Protein-Packed Peanut Butter Granola

This is an incredibly rich granola. It is not low in fat or calories, but it tastes amazing and—at 26 grams per serving—packs a powerful protein punch worthy of breakfast or a pick-me-up snack. It is a bit crumbly, tricky to eat out of hand but well suited for serving in a bowl (or teacup) …

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Scones

I’ve seen several variations of peanut butter scones online and wanted to give them a try. Though they look really good, many call for more than half a cup of butter. Given the oil already included—courtesy of the peanut butter—I thought I’d try experimenting with “butter-free.” Admittedly, my recipe has a little more sugar, but …